Saturday, February 18, 2012

We almost had it all, Whitney

Unless you are living under a rock, I'm sure you have heard about the tragic passing of the beautiful icon, Whitney Houston. The sadness eminating on the internet, as well as around the world, is felt by everyone who ever heard this true angel belt out a single note. While her passing has bought us all into the reality that we will not always be a part of this world and to treasure our loved ones, it has also bought out such negativity and judgement. The comments I have seen over the past week have been despicable, ignorant, and disrespectful. We all know Whitney had her personal demons, as we all do. But for her name to be slandered in such a way after her passing is not only wrong, but disrespectful to her memory. Over the years, the only view I personally had of Whitney Houston was a beautiful, talented, God-fearing woman who, like all of us, lost her way. At this point in her life, I'm sure fans turned their back on her. But I never left, even though she'd never know it. Her songs sang the words of my life. The words that I could never find a way to express. The words I was so afraid to say. They sang to my broken heart. My crushed spirit. My Christian soul. Her body of work is something that will always be remembered long after we are all gone. To me, Whitney was the epitome of everything we'd like to be when it's all said and done, and we can learn a life lesson from her. A young girl from Newark, New Jersey with humble beginnings and a special gift from God. She did not waste or rest on her gift. She worked to become the black icon she was, and even facing more no's than yesses, she perserved to become a shining example of what you can accomplish with focus, dedication, and faith. To those who were slinging mud on her name, I am truly sorry for you, and I will pray for you. The perfection you believe you possess will only bring you low in life. To point out someone elses flaws, while harboring your own and doing nothing about them is hypocritical to the highest extent, and God will show you that. I admire Governor Christie's decision to have flags flown at half mast today, because she truly was a hero in both the Black community, and the world. You don't have to lose your life fighting for our country to be a hero. To our newest angel, Whitney: I only wish that as I progress in life, I can carry myself with half the amount of dignity and grace you did while being constantly scrutinized by the public eye. You are a beautiful icon of what everyone should try to be, and a shining example that nothing is impossible, and I think I can speak for everyone in saying we will truly miss you, and are praying for your family and loved ones at this time. We will never forget your voice, your discipline, your dedication to your craft, and the sacrifices you made for our enjoyment. We love you, sweet angel. Take your wings, good and faithful servant. You earned your rest. "Off you go Whitney, off you go. Escorted by an army of angels to your heavenly Father. When you sing before him, don't you worry. You'll be good enough." -Kevin Costner

Monday, February 13, 2012

What Makes A Person A Good Catch??

Owning a home. No children. Religious. Good job. College Educated. What makes a person a good catch? I was having a conversation with a friend about my dating life (or present lack of it) and he asked me "what do you bring to the table?" I automatically started rambling off my attributes, as I have so many times. "I live alone, have no kids, go to church, have a good job, I'm in school...." and before I could finish, he said "wait. All you're saying is what you have. All that says is that you can take care of yourself. But what are you bringing to the table??" So I stopped and thought: what attributes do I have that make me a catch?? Then I started again. "I'm funny, I'm smart, caring, I like to try new things, I'm open minded (sometimes), and I know how to treat people. I deserve a good man", and waited for his response. He said "you're right, you do." I kinda just sat there thinking. What DOES make a person a good catch?? Is it material things that matter? Or is it a combination of the things they have acquired, and their personal attributes? Personally, I believe it is a combination of the two. You cannot have one without the other. The material things you have been able to procure on your own speak for you at a first meeting. Not because of how they look or how expensive they are, but because it shows that you can take care of yourself, and that you are a provider. What person, male or female, doesn't want that in a potential life mate?? I believe that a persons' personal attributes are more important than anything, but sadly the external is what catches the eye first, especially for men. But with this view, a different problem comes into play, and this is the main point of this post. If a person is average, or in some cases, below average physically, how do you know what they are bringing to the table, if they aren't even on your radar? For instance, an average woman who dresses nicely, but not expensively and carries herself well but isn't exactly "cool" will most likely not get the attention she feels she deserves. But IF someone took the time to get to know her they might find that she is ambitious, smart, hard working, funny, sweet, etc. This goes back to the old adage I'm sure we have all heard from our parents at one time or another: don't judge a book by its' cover. It is my opinion that we as human beings are way too caught in the external and physical attributes a person has. In one of my communications course, we are learning about perceptions, and one concept relates directly to the topic at hand. It is called Interaction Appearance Theory. This theory helps to explain how people's feelings towards someone's physical appearance changes the more they interact with someone. The theory suggests that as we get to know people through positive situations and interactions, we find them more socially attractive, which leads to a greater physical attraction. Have you ever dated someone who at first wasn't very attractive in your eyes, and once you got to know them and found out something about them (they were funny, you share common interests) you found yourself liking them a little more, and as time went on, you found out they were your type? Sometimes the best relationships are founded on this occurence. To sum up my thoughts, we should ALL make it a practice to look deeper than what a person has to offer physically. We may all be pleasantly suprised. That person you usually wouldn't give the time of day to is deserving of another look. You never know what is lying beneath the surface. -NaturallyNikki