Monday, April 16, 2012

Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man??

If you are not single right now, get down and thank God for saving you from the confusion of dating.  It is so confusing these days: who texts who first? Am I calling too much? Maybe I'm being too nice to her. Let me start giving him a hard time. Men LOVE that! After being around my girls for so long, I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "I'm about to start treating men the same way they treat me." I'm guilty of saying this at least once a month. I'm sorry, but it's true. Maybe it's a woman thing. We do tend to mature faster than men do, and I noticed men and women are on two different levels. Men love the excitement of a chase. Women (at least some women) don't like to play games. Men like a woman to keep him guessing. Women are more straight forward with what they want. How can we communicate at all??
Here's where Steve Harvey comes in: he released a book in January 2009 called Act Like a Lady, Think Like A Man, which is being released in theatres this month. If you haven't read it, it's about the games some men play, and how to counteract those games. From men, all I hear is "dang he just airing us all out. Breaking the man code!" That's neither here nor there. The question is: is there any truth to the statement? We already know that for whatever reason, men love abuse. And by abuse I mean the nice girl doesn't cut it. Sure, you can be nice to a man, let him know how much he means to you, and how much you care, but chances are you will find yourself dissed. Trust me, I've done the leg work.The book implies that a woman has to let a man know from the jump what she will and won't tolerate to "bring him up to her level". At least that is my synopsis.
While I do think the examples in this book was a little extreme, and that Steve Harvey has NO IDEA what he is talking about, he does have a point somewhat. I noticed that when a former friend of mine treated men in a disposable manner or like they were on her time, they loved it. Chased her all around Robin Hood's barn, and when she dropped them like a bad habit, they take it out on the entire female population. However, when a woman makes herself available and shows her genuine interest, I notice men either hurt her, or keep her around but play on the side with other women. Maybe it's me, but I thought men wanted good women? Whatever the case, women are getting tired. Tired of being mistreated, compared, and having to fight for a position they were already given, and are hitting men with a dose of their own medicine. And men can't handle it. For whatever reason, it is okay for men to play the games, but when a woman gets hip to it and plays the game back, we are every word in the dictionary but the name our mama gave us. So where is the middle ground? Nice girls finish last, and smart ones finish second. Chime in. Should women be acting like a lady and thinking as men, or is that confusing things further? -NaturallyNikki


  1. First things first I don't think women mature faster then men due in part to the games women tend to play I also feel like good men get dogged just as much as good women it all boils down to the fact that people need to be real from day one in what they need and want if its just sex then say it I've found that most of the time women want it just as much as we do second don't half ass commit if your gonna do it then do it 4real life is to short to waste time with someone who's not on the same level you are and third compromise and realize that someone is not gonna be able to meet every need that you may have and forth understanding understand that your other half has needs also

  2. You need to re-read that book. I don't believe he was saying guys play games. I took it as "this is how men think, so act accordingly". He makes some excellent points. People we only treat you how you allow them to treat you, and to many times, ground rules are not set from the start. If he or she is not willing to meet you half way, or treat you like you should be treated, understand he is NOT the one and move on. To many times people hold on to a relationship knowing it is going to fail, because they hope for change. I think all Steve is saying is except nothing less than you equal and make both men and women step their games up.
